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 Partial transcript of the recent Inside Indiana Business TV interview of St. Vincent CEO - Jonathan Nalli, along with the full video attachment: 


    Questions: Quick question before we launch right back, everyone is talking about 96th and Springmill the land that is sitting there, what’s the latest on that?


Nalli Answer: Absolutely that’s a great question.  The land acquisition at 96th and Springmill plays into an overall strategy of how do we position ourselves in the future.  St. Vincent just moved our corporate offices to the Parkwood West building at 96th and Springmill, saw the vacant acreage next to us and felt it was in our best interest to secure it in the event we want to do something in the future.  We still have no plans for that property, but we feel it’s in the best interest of the organization and how healthcare involves we would want to have that contiguous to our new corporate office.

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